John 10:20 Meaning and Commentary John 10:20 And many of them said, he hath a devil, and is mad It was a notion of the Jews, that madness or distraction was from the devil, and therefore these two are here joined together, having a devil, and being mad: there is a spirit which ...
John 21:20 Meaning and Commentary John 21:20 Then Peter turning about After he was risen, and was following Christ: seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following also; by whom is designed John the Evangelist, and writer of this Gospel; who hearing Christ bid Peter follow him, rose up like...
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(17) Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father.--The probable explanation of these words is to be found in the fact that she had cast herself at His feet with the customary reverential embrace of the knees, and perhaps to make doubly...
36. But … ye have seen me, and believe not—seen Him not in His mere bodily presence, but in all the majesty of His life, His teaching, His works. Matthew Poole's Commentary You have seen me in the flesh, you have heard my doctrine, you have seen the miracles which I have ...
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary 21. doeth truth—whose only object in life is to be and do what will bear the light. Therefore he loves and "comes to the light," that all he is and does, being thus thoroughly tested, may be seen to have nothing in it but what is divinely ...
Meyer's NT CommentaryJohn 1:51. Πιστεύεις is, with Chrysostom and most others (even Lachmann and Tischendorf, not Godet), to be taken interrogatively; see on John 20:29.[129] But the question is not uttered in a tone of censure, which would only destroy the fresh ...
Three things may be said in evaluation of this view: (a) it is not at all necessary to understand Peter’s statement in 21:3 as a renouncement of his discipleship, as this view of the meaning of τούτων would imply; (b) it would probably be more likely that the verb would...
…and on to our cartoonists, another from Dunn, a bit of spot art featuring a not so subtle commentary on Lawrence Lee Bazley Angas’s book The Coming American Boom… …and some spot art from Isadore Klein… …Miguel Covarrubias contributed to the theater review section… …James Thurber en...
John 8:20 Meaning and Commentary John 8:20 These words spake Jesus in the treasury The place where the thirteen chests stood, into which the people put their voluntary contributions for the sacrifices, and service of the temple: the Ethiopic version renders it, "at the alms chest"; (See ...
John 4:20 Meaning and Commentary John 4:20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain Mount Gerizim, which was just by, and within sight; so that the woman could point to it; it was so near to Shechem, or Sychar, that Jotham's voice was heard from the top of it thither, (Judges 9...