John 11:44 Meaning and Commentary John 11:44 And he that was dead came forth That is, he who had been dead, being now made alive, and raised up, and set on his feet, came out of the cave: bound hand and foot with grave clothes; ...
Examines John 11.1-44 from the different angles including context, genre, form, plot, narrator and point of view, structure, characterization, themes, implicit commentary, and reader response.StibbeMark W.G.New Testament StudiesStibbe, M W G 1994. A Tomb with a View: John 11:1-44 in ...
New Bible Commentary Copyright Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship, Leicester, England, 1953, 1954, 1970, 1994↵All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electr...
Craig S. Keener, The Gospel of John: A Commentary (Peabody: Hendrickson, 2003), pp.18-22 W Craig_S._Keener 3 Samuel Byrskog Born 1957 Richard Bauckham on Samuel Byrskog: Richard Bauckham explains that ancient historians were convinced that true history could only be written while events ...
(Comp. especially 1 John 1) . . . Pulpit CommentaryVerse 14. - (5) The incarnation of the Logos. And the Logos became flesh. The καὶ has been variously expanded, some giving it the force of "then" or "therefore," as though John was now resuming the entire argument from ...
You can read Tom’s colorful commentary about our time with Vice President Mondale in his full Washington Post article here: ...
Benson CommentaryJohn 6:36-37. But I said, &c. — But valuable as these blessings of my grace are, you are little disposed to pursue and accept them. For ye also have seen me, and believe not — You have seen a manifestation of my true character, in my life and conversation, and...
Pulpit CommentaryVerses 8, 9. - Then saith one of his disciples to him, viz. Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. The spokesman is here specially indicated. On other occasions Andrew is singled out as the brother of Simon and friend of Philip (John 1:44; John 12:22). This repeated reference...
IVP New Testament Commentary Series IVP New Testament Commentaries are made available by the generosity of InterVarsity Press. 8 entries for 約翰福音 1 John Introduces the Story of the Revelation of the Glory of God (1:1-18) John Introduces the Story of the Revelation...
Benson Commentary John 1:1-2.In the beginning— Namely, of the creation, (for the evangelist evidently refers to the first word of the book of Genesis,בראשׁית,bereshith,rendered by the LXX.εναρχη, the expression here used,)was the Word— That is, The Word ex...