λόγος (logos), word, utterance, meaning (G3364); λέγω (legō), collect, count, say... G3395. λύω, lyō, to loose, untie, set free, release, annul, abolish G3395 λύω λύω (lyō), to loose, untie, set free, ...
Meaning: French form of the name Reynard. In Old Norse it means “precious”. It is also used as a shortened form for many boy names in Norway like Ragnvald, Bjorn and Steinar, as well as in Denmark and Sweden. But most often it is used as a male name, meaning “chief”, “renown...
Ultimately, my suggestion in this instance is that Peel can be understood to have demonstrated and represented a particular kind of relationship of radio with music, its consumption, pleasures and meaning, challenging conventional academic approaches that tend to distinguish the two media to the ...
Data in our psychic program is often nonlinear, nonhierarchical, archaic, alive, and teeming with paradox. Simply booting up is a challenge, if not for no other reason than that most of us find acknowledging the unknowable and monitoring its intrusions upon the familiar and mundane more than a...
Some implications of illocutions: Review of: John R. Searle, Expression and meaningInternalism (Frege; Searle) and externalism (Putnam 1975; Burge 1979) are related doctrines in the philosophy of language and mind, mostly centered on the role of reference in the individuation of propositions. ...
https://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/topic/1393-q2-meaning-of-johns-baptism/ Q3. (John 1:19-27) How does John the Baptist show humility? How can a person see himself as the fulfillment of a passage from Isaiah and still be humble about it? How does John see himself in relation to the...
If you only plan on using each row once, then it’s much more efficient to disable this behavior by setting the :cache_rows option to false. This would be helpful if you wanted to iterate over the results in a streaming manner. Meaning the GC would cleanup rows you don’t need anymore...
And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the
MongoDB bind to, meaning that it will accept incoming connections from anywhere. If you don't specify this option MongoDB will only accept traffic coming from (i.e. processes running on the same container), so no other container will be able to communicate with it. ...
Proofreading Team LIVES OF JOHN DONNE, HENRY WOTTON, RICH'D HOOKER, GEORGE HERBERT, &c, VOLUME TWO by IZAAK WALTON This issue of "Walton's Lives" is based upon John Major's edition of 1825, which was printed from a copy of the edition of 1675, "corrected