(15) John bare witness of him, and cried.--Better, John beareth witness of him, and crieth. The latter verb is past in tense, but present in meaning. For the sense comp. Note on John 7:37. The writer thinks of the testimony as ever present, ever forceful. Twice on successive ...
(regardless of whether it is read as aorist or future) is to be understood as coordinate in meaning with the previous verbφέρητε(So M. Zerwick,Biblical Greek§342). Thus the two actions are really one and the same: Bearing fruit and being Jesus’ disciple are not two different...
Gk. its primary meaning... G2007. ἐξηγέομαι, exēgeomai, explain, expound, interpret, tell G2007 ἐξηγέομαι ἐξηγέομαι (exēgeomai), explain, expound, interpret, tell (G2007); διήγησις... G2026. ἐξ...
Meaning: Italian form of John, with the same meaning as the English name. Sometimes spelled as “Antonio” or “Antonelli”. It is also a diminutive in Italian, meaning “John” or “Johann”. Antonio originally means “God’s gift.” It is also commonly used in Argentina and Portugal. ...
Language: An Enquiry into its Meaning and Function ed. by Ruth Nanda Anshen BOOK REVIEWS Language: An Enquiry into its Meaning and Function. Planned and Edited by RUTH NANDA ANsHEN. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957. Pp. 366. The present book is the eighth volume of the Science and ...
Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. - What is the meaning of 1 John 2:15?
and kept back from them no truth of which they could understand the meaning. There is no contradiction withJohn 16:12. The reason He had not told them more was not on His part, but on theirs. They could not then receive more, but in the future He would by the Holy Spirit declare ...
John 15:12 Meaning and Commentary John 15:12 This is my commandment, that ye love one another Christ had been before speaking of his commandments; and he mentions this as the principal one, and to which all the rest may be reduced; for as the precepts of the second table of the mo...
That God himself, in his assumed humanity, takes on a (male) sexed nature, and that our sexuality gains a share in the sacramental economy through the sacrament of marriage indicates, indeed, what kind of "new" understanding of the meaning and purpose of human sexuality is offered in the ...
He drops the metaphor of the vine and the branches, and comes to the essence of the relation between them; that is, he does much to explain the meaning and nature of his abiding in them, and the character of the fruit which they were expected by the great Husbandman and Father to ...