In Allemannische Gedichte (Alemannic Poems), Hebel's dialectal poetry becomes a kind of Sprachheimat (Linguistic Homeland). In Kalendergeschichten (Calendar Stories) the perspective is doubly metaphorical; the narrator, the Hausfreund (The Friend of the Rhenish Families), is a c...
HEBEL, Johann PeterHOPE in literatureLITERATUREAUTODIDACTICISMHUMAN behavior in literatureMOLTMANN, Jurgen, 1926-2024This article examines the place of hope in Hebel's Kalendergeschichten, both as a theme and as a mode. Many of the stories have an anticipatory flavour: both natural growth and ...
The Biblische Geschichten occupy a slightly peculiar position — at once central and marginal — in Hebel's uvre. This article sets out to illuminate the nature of this text by focusing on Ernst Johann's 1959 edition and Emily Anderson's 1961 translation. In examining what is missing — but...