Witkin carefully builds scenes with cadavers, hermaphrodites, and dwarfs which introduce literary, religious, and art historical allusions. “I have consecrated my life to changing matter into spirit with the hope of one day seeing it all. Seeing in its total form, while wearing the mask, from...
他的艺术有如一道遥远的闪电,不仅以摄人魂魄的方式使生者得以完成对生命真实的惊鸿一瞥;还以令人讶异的光芒,照亮了隐退在喧闹的新世纪幕后的古典艺术伟大的幽灵。” ——郑闻 乔-彼得·威金(JOEL-PETER WITKIN)是当代全球最著名的艺术摄影家之一,至今已在欧美最重要的美术馆与机构举办了百次以上的个展。其作品被...
"Joel-Peter Witkin: Is his darkly imaginative photography an intellectually camouflaged freak show or high art?""Look Inside" and "Search Inside" Books at Amazon Look Inside Books: Selections from the books listed below are scanned in, in high res. Text is clearly readable and art ...
Joel Peter Witkin Witkin从小成长于纽约布鲁克林贫民区,他在6岁时目睹过一场车祸,被碾的小女孩的头颅滚到他的脚边,这个童年经验影响了他日后的创作。他的所有作品都是在探索暴力、痛苦、死亡,指向畸形人和人类的病态。有记者问他,为什么不愿意拍些清纯的东西,是觉得那样会滥俗吗。他说,赏心悦目的事情很容易做...
Joel-Peter Witkin.Presents details of exhibition of photographs by Joel-Peter Witkin, in the United States.EBSCO_AspArt in America
Joel-Peter Witkin Artworks Artworks for Sale & Auction Results Availability For Sale (488) artnet Auctions (0) × Galleries (488) Auction Houses (0) Auction Results (1,018) Object Type Photographs (1,431) Prints and multiples (99) Works on paper (62) Paintings (4) ...
来点儿猛的【尸体艺术..经典作品这幅作品叫《The Kiss》,1982年。这个实际上是一个头颅,Witkin把这个男人的脑袋沿着面部中线一分为二,再凑到一起合影(绝了真的是!)。另外这个名作被奥地利金属乐队Pungent
http://t.cn/aK1aul 【死亡的力度——Joel Peter Witkin的哥特摄影作品】Joel Peter Witkin从小成长于纽约布鲁克林贫民区,他在6岁时目睹过一场车祸,被碾的小女孩的头颅滚到他的脚边,这个童年经验影响了他日后的...
这位特例独行的摄影师一直是我的最爱,极具想像力的照片充满了幻想和邪恶,包括Alexander McQueen的设计的都能发现Joel-Peter Witkin的影子,从模特扭曲的步伐,神经似的上身和面部表情,直到秀场最后那原封不动照搬来的场景都是Joel-Peter Witkin作品的另一种体现! ... (展开) 5 0回应 > 更多书评 1篇 论坛 ·...