March 30, 2009 — -- Mega church pastorJoel Osteenand his wife,Victoria, will host the first non-baseball event in theNew York Yankees' new stadium, just nine days after it opens, penning a new chapter in its history . The April 25 event called,"Night of Hope"is a celebration of fai...
Megachurch false teacher Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria were among a number of celebrities, including drag queens, actors and music industry personalities, who attended the “SiriusXM and Pandora Present Lady Gaga at the Apollo” concert on Monday night in New Yo...
Nine years ago Osteen was virtually unknown even in his own church in Houston. A college drop-out, he worked behind the scenes producing his father, Pastor John Osteen's, television ministry. When his father died, he stepped out in front of the camera and started to catch on. So why ar...
Joel Osteen is the senior pastor at Lakewood Church, Houston, Texas, where he preaches alongside family members including his wife Victoria who works as his co pastor. His ministries are followed worldwide via television and podcasts with many Christians analysing the content and message within ...
Joel Osteen •Tuesday, February 4, 2025 6:03 AM CT God has made you very powerful. The question is how do you see yourself: strong, confident, favored? Or do you see yourself as inferior, can’t do it, at a disadvantage? You have to turn that telescope around. You’re making eve...
Joel Osteen Net Worth According to Business Insider, he is a billionaire. Introduction Joel Osteen was a preacher and author. He was born in Houston in 1962. Osteen was a speaker and pastor of the Lakewood Church. His sermons have been translated in many languages and published in over 100...
Joel Osteen himself initially offered prayers from both himandhis wife, obviously because he was simply too busy…uhhh…preparing to help?…to do anything more substantive and immediate. Oh, and he also carved out the time toblock people who criticized his tepid responseto the catastrophic floodi...
"That's a good rule!" his wife noted. But what Joel Osteen's really learned is the same message he preaches to others: Life can be pretty great if you keep looking up. "You know, my dad was very, very poor," he said. "No milk, no food, no heating in the winter. And you ...
Joel Osteen -- and His Smile -- Hit UtahJohnston, Jerry Earl
Osteen and his wife Victoria were invited by Trump for a private meeting at Trump Tower. “Trump took out a box of gold watches and said to Victoria: ‘Pick out any one you like,’” related a person who was present at that meeting, who asked to remain nameless. “Then he offered J...