乔·罗根 (Joe Rogan) 与Spotify签署了一份价值约2.5亿美元的新长期合约。 根据合约条款,乔·罗根的播客可以再次上传到Apple Podcasts、Amazon Music 和 YouTube 等其他平台 #超话创作官##ufc298# #UFC拉斯...
Joe Rogan是Spotify上播客头牌,不过马斯克再折腾,推特就更不值钱了【转发】@卤煮疫苗:大洋彼岸最近发生了一起关于疫苗甚至医学不实信息但过程让人感到非常熟悉的故事,再次见证了什么叫真正的有理说不清,事情...
Joe Rogan被Spotify买断了几年,合约到期没再续约,立刻回到了YouTube,这次大选他的Podcast助推了很大一波。。。我想说的是,平台的粘性还是很大的,很多出走B站的up过了几年也都最后回来了
After musician India.Arie revealed last week on Instagram that Rogan had repeatedly used the N-word, he apologized, and Spotify pulled dozens of past episodes from circulation. But Spotify's CEO, Daniel Ek, has said that silencing him is not the answer. Besides, Ek said in a letter to em...
The era of the political-protest artist may not be dead, but the ones protesting will need to be bigger now than Neil Young if they're going to spurSpotifyto cancel Joe Rogan. Toward the end of January, singer-songwriter Young, who rose to fame in the 1960s and '70s, pulled...
The top 10 most watched episodes of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast on YouTube account for around410 million views. Elon Musk’s first guest appearance from 2018 is the most watched JRE episode ever. It will be tough to beat as it’s been seen by 69 million people. His first two episo...
上周五,据美国网站媒体 JREMissing.com 报道,约 70 集 Joe Rogan 的播客从 Spotify 神秘消失。 JREMissing.com 是一个跟踪缺失剧集的网络工具。 就在Spotify删除了内容而没有提供解释之后,Rogan 在 Instagram上发布了一段视频,为过去在他的节目中说了N-word(对黑人的蔑称)道歉。
位列榜单前三的节目分别是《The Joe Rogan Experience》、《Call Her Daddy》和《Lex Fridman Podcast》。这些节目特色之一是采访了2024年的总统候选人,由此形成了被称为“播客选举”的现象。在过去的这一年里,发布在Spotify上的视频创作者数量增加了50%,目前在该平台上已经有超过30万个视频播客可供选择。Spotify...
在乔·罗根(Joe Rogan)就泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的音乐从Spotify上撤下引发的vax争议发表讲话后,Spotify股价有所反弹。尼尔·杨(Neil Young)等人指责该平台传播关于COVID-19的“错误信息” 周日晚上,在乔…
据The Verge报道,就在Spotify删除了Joe Rogan播客节目的大约70集内容而没有提供解释之后,Rogan在Instagram上发布了一段视频,为过去在他的节目中说了N-word(对黑人的蔑称)道歉。在他的道歉声明中,Rogan特别提到了一个由歌手India Arie分享的剪辑汇编,该汇编显示Rogan在几年的播客节目中反复说了N-word。 “我知道,...