Ann Coulter's obituary of Joe Sobran on the seventh anniversary of his death: Not Your Average Joe September 14, 2017 Joe Sobran looks at those who charge the Church with being anti-Semitic in The Cross and the Swastika September 8, 2017 Pat Buchanan questions what makes us one nation an...
Joe EdwardsROSEMARY A BAXTER Obituary
(12)HUMMEL OBIT.TheWashington Posthas an obituary for Joye Hummel by Harrison Smith. Hummel was hired by William Moulton Marston as a secretary and then went on to writeWonder Womanscripts until 1947. Historians credit her as being the first woman to write scripts forWonder Woman. She died ...
Ann Coulter's obituary of Joe Sobran on the seventh anniversary of his death: Not Your Average Joe September 14, 2017 Joe Sobran looks at those who charge the Church with being anti-Semitic in The Cross and the Swastika September 8, 2017 Pat Buchanan questions what makes us one nation an...