“From the Desk of Jodi Picoult” I’d like to encourage you to subscribe to “From the Desk of Jodi Picoult”, my monthly newsletter, which includes: free signed book giveaways answers to your questions news and events featured video and audio clips ...
Jodi Picoult talks new book, 'By Any Other Name' The New York Times bestselling author discusses her new novel, which follows the lives of two women living centuries apart and forced to hide behind other names to make their voices heard. ...
Official site of Jodi Picoult, American author of 30 novels. Her last 8 novels have debuted at # 1 on the New York Times bestseller list.
Best-Selling Author Jodi Picoult to Visit NCC with New Book
【中商原版】朱迪皮考特:星星之火 英文原版 A Spark of Light 小说 Jodi Picoult 分享 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 发货地;货源地 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(52) 质量很好(47) 物流很快(17) 坚固耐用(9) 包装很好(8) 很划算(7) 中商进口商城 关注店铺 进店逛逛 ...
茱迪·皮考特/Jodi Picoult我不相信你會在某天醒來時,突然發現自己是同性戀。 但是我的確相信你會在醒過來的時候明白, 生命中如果少了某個人,你絕對沒辦法度過餘生。 同性戀不是生活方式,這是天生碰巧的事。其次,我沒有選擇去讓女人吸引我,這是天性。同性戀和異性戀一樣,都不是選擇。難道男人受女人吸引是經過選...
Jodi Picoult is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of 30 novels, including BY ANY OTHER NAME, MAD HONEY (co-authored with Jennifer Finney Boylan), WISH YOU WERE HERE, THE BOOK OF TWO WAYS, A SPARK OF LIGHT, SMALL GREAT THINGS, LEAVING TIME and MY S
作者: [美] 朱迪·皮考特 (Jodi Picoult) 著 ; 林淑娟 译 出版社: 北京联合出版公司 出版时间: 2016-01 版次: 1 ISBN: 9787550247994 定价: 46.00 装帧: 平装 开本: 32开 纸张: 胶版纸 页数: 456页 字数: 338千字 内容简介: 安娜并没有生病,但她有时宁愿自己病了。 她只有十三岁,却已经进行...
[美]朱迪·皮考特 JodiPicoult《第十层地狱》内容简介:冬日。贝瑟尔小镇。细雪微落。温文尔雅的漫画家丹尼尔,小心翼翼地守护着波澜不惊的幸福家庭。豆蔻年华的女儿情窦初开,却在自己精心设计的派对中惨遭强奸,她自闭、割腕、离家出走……在大学讲授文学的教授妻子,研究但丁《神曲》早已声名显赫,女儿出事的那天却正在与...
Check out this book review of "A Spark of Light" by Jodi Picoult. MajaMitrovic via Getty Images Signature What Is A Spark of Light About? A Spark of Light begins with the voice of a young woman contemplating death by thinking about how "her Grandmother was the only dead person Wren had...