the jodi arias story jen sweeney credited as playing... narrator it looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet. be the first to contribute. add a photo. add a quote. more from this title more to explore recently viewed you have no recently viewed pages get the imdb app sign ...
"Are you sure it's me? Because I was not there," Arias is heard saying in the police interrogation tape played for the Arizona jury today. When Detective Esteban Flores tells Arias she is seen in pigtails in the photos, she asks with a tone of incredulity, "Pigtails?" As Flores laid...
Jodi Arias took the stand today and quickly told the jury that she killed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander in a bloody attack in 2008. And in a surprise, Arias told the jury that she planned to also kill herself.
Arias’ trial was an international sensation. The world watched transfixed and mesmerized while gruesomecrimescene photos were shown, and Arias and prosecutor, Juan Martinez, openly sparred and exchanged insults. The trial had a circus atmosphere, captivating the public who loved every second of the...
Jodi Ariascase, has been receiving threats ever since the panel deadlocked on the sentencing phase, and now his son is claiming he's receiving death threats. "Today I read hate mail my dad had gotten. Some person had sent him a threatening message complete with his email address, full name...
Before today's testimony, the prosecution petitioned Judge Sherry Stephens to ban from the trial the allegations of masturbating to boys' pictures, saying there was no evidence to support Arias' claims. Police found no photos of young boys on Alexander's computer or in his home, and found no...
Before today's testimony, the prosecution petitioned Judge Sherry Stephens to ban from the trial the allegations of masturbating to boys' pictures, saying there was no evidence to support Arias' claims. Police found no photos of young boys on Alexander's computer or in his home, and found no...