Jock itch, or jock rash, is caused by a fungus on the thighs and/or the groin area. It is also commonly referred to as Tinea Cruris. Jock itch symptoms include itching (which often becomes unbearable), red or discolored patches, and dry, painful skin. ...
The rash becomes more irritating with time and may, in severe cases, feature breakdown of the skin that is quite uncomfortable. When Should I See the Doctor for Jock Itch? When to call the doctor The appearance of an itchy red rash in your groin or genital area should prompt a visit to...
Jock itch, known scientifically astinea crurisis afungal infectionthat affects the skin folds in thegroinor pubic region. It is uncomfortable, can be itchy, and usually presents as a red rash. It is more likely to occur in men than in women, and is usually the result of exposure to and...
jock itch causes a scaly, reddish-brown rash with raised borders to form down the inner thighs. Sometimes ring-like rashes form on the buttocks as well. This infection is unlikely to form on the penis or vulva, or around the anus. ...
Jock itch usually infects your skin in the creases of your groin, over your inner thighs, and in your butt crack. Depending on your natural skin tone, your rash may look red, brown, purple, gray, tan, or white. Your skin will likely look scaly or flaky and you may also have small...
I had a rash on both legs starting at the groin and extending 3 inches down. It matched the descriptions, red and darker on the leading edge. I used my wife's roll on deodorant by smearing on a light coat each morning after my shower. It cleared up in less than 2 weeks, but it ...
Damp towels often trap moisture which can grow harmful bacteria, mold, and mildew, which could further irritate your rash.[7] If you can wait a few minutes to let the area around your groin air dry, that will help ensure the Sudocrem is most effective when it is applied. Part 2 ...