The symptoms and signs of jock itch may come and go, and many cases of jock itch resolve spontaneously without any treatment. Jock itch is primarily seen in the groin, although it may spread to the inner thighs, genitals (including the penis, scrotum, labia, and vaginal opening), and anus...
Jock itch is the popular name given to an itchyrashin the groin that commonly involves the inner thighs and adjacent skin, including the scrotum in males. The medical name for rash in the creases of overlapping skin is "intertrigo." Jock itch is associated with sweating, friction/abrasion, oc...
jock itch causes a scaly, reddish-brown rash with raised borders to form down the inner thighs. Sometimes ring-like rashes form on the buttocks as well. This infection is unlikely to form on the penis or vulva, or around the anus. ...
Jock itch usually infects your skin in the creases of your groin, over your inner thighs, and in your butt crack. Depending on your natural skin tone, your rash may look red, brown, purple, gray, tan, or white. Your skin will likely look scaly or flaky and you may also have small ...
However, tinea cruris may not affect the penis or scrotum — though may involve the inner thighs and genital areas, as well as extend back to the perineum and perianal areas. The genus of fungi is called trichophyton, which includes the parasitic varieties that cause tinea cruris. Trichophyton...