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My eldest (now 19) went out of state and could take his certification with him and referee on his college campus. My next eldest (now 16) decided that certifying as a lifeguard offered a regular schedule and was more lucrative. He became a lifeguard at 15 and was hired by the city in...
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Part-time Customer Service Data Analyst Delivery Driver Engineering IT Marketing Medical Nurse Project Manager Sales Warehouse Welder Just graduating? We can help. Visit the New Grad hub Search salaries by major Get a free resume assessment
As a Le-Vel Independent Brand Promoter, you get a free website and back office. Earned commissions are paid weekly, with no need to carry inventory. My husband and I are full-time with Le-Vel. We have three children in 3 different schools, with three different schedules, so having a ...
Mastering the Job Interview: Top Tips to Help You Get Hired May 06, 2024 Did you know that almost 33% of hiring managers decide if they will hire someone within the first 90 seconds? First impressions are super important in job interviews. Being on time, ready, and looking good is key ...
But since I didn’t want anyone to jump to the wrong conclusion, I quickly explained that all trade destroys jobs, whether trade between North Carolina and Missouri or trade between the United States and Europe. And I then shifted to the real message of the video, which is that jobs are...
Let’s get you hired From start-up roles to established grad schemes, gradireland has you covered. You can search for trending opportunities and see the latest roles posted on gradireland below. Graduate jobsGraduate programmesInternshipsLaw graduate jobsMarketing internshipsFinance graduate schemesAll...
You’ve got to kiss a lot of online jobs before you find a prince. So,kiss them fast. Get your resume in order.Make a template you can tailor quickly to fit hundreds of remote jobs listings. Don’t apply to every job.Google the company. Check their website to see if they’re legi...
The best way to get hired at Outspoken Media?Get to know the teamand say hello. Team Benefits Small Company, Big Benefits Great work/life balance Flexible work hours Generous paid time off Chocolate, coffee and tea Company performance bonuses and simple IRA with company matching ...