43 jobs that are dominated by womenRachel Premack
That's leading to an uptick in employers posting "urgent" hiring notices, according to Indeed data. And three of the four industries where employers are looking to hire immediately are those dominated by women: personal care and home health, nursing and child care, Konkel said. The fourth ind...
I confess that I voted women largely due to the fear that continued pervasive gender inequality will somehow find its bias penalising women's jobs over those of men. But then I decided to do a bit of research and came across this list: https://ilostat.ilo.org/these-occupations-are-domina...
Indeed, broad groups which seem to be very femininized may contain only a few large occupations where most women are concentrated and a majority of more detailed occupations which are in fact dominated by men. The results also give evidence that national data tend to discriminate against women,...
Stacker has compiled a list of the most common jobs held by women a century ago by looking at comparison tables from 1920 in the 1940 U.S.
…Yet as economists agree, the problem with tariffs generally speaking is that they kill more jobs than they create. For every job that is “protected” by a tariff, other jobs are lost in related industries that use the targeted good as an input and see their costs raised. But even ...
This report is crushing for women in so many ways. Industries traditionally dominated by women lead the way in job losses and lost hours. Most striking are losses in the leisure and hospitality sectors, which combined lost 7.6 million jobs. Other sectors that employ disproportionate numbers of wo...
Take the December 2022 jobs report: 223,000 jobs added. “Another month of strong job growth!”“Women outpace men!” But look again. About one-third of new jobs,67,000,were in the low-wage Leisure and Hospitality industry,dominated by women of color, immigrant women, and women with dis...
Red-collar workers are those who work in the government and whose salaries come from the red ink budget. This category may also include farmers.5 What Is a Pink Collar Job? Pink collar job is an outdated term that was used to describe sectors that were historically dominated by...
We know that some of you younger men and women prefer a much older partner and some of our older applicants have been around a bit and can certainly teach you a thing or two. So if you have a thing for the older ladies or even want to be dominated by one or more of them then yo...