" said Daniel Zhao, lead economist at Glassdoor. "The fact that job growth was so widespread across industries is a healthy sign. Coming into today's report, we were concerned about how concentrated jobs were in really just three sectors — health care, education and government. While it is...
"Everything is moving in the right direction," said Julia Pollak, chief economist for ZipRecruiter. "I have never seen a report align with expectations as much today's over the last two years." Though the stock market is closed for Good Friday, futures rose following the report. Treasury ...
Forbes Media Chairman Steve Forbes and former CKE Restaurants CEO Andy Puzder discuss the December jobs report and point out discrepancies in its reporting. There’s something wrong with previousU.S. jobsreports. The government quietly erased 439,000 jobs through November 2023, a closer look at ...
On top of the sizzling job growth it reported for January, the government on Friday also revised up its estimate of the gains in November and December by a combined 71,000. President Joe Biden called the jobs report “strikingly good news” and asserted that his Republican critics were wrong...
January 6, 2023 Statement by President Joe Biden on the December Jobs Report Today’s report is great news for our economy and more evidence that my economic plan is working. The unemployment rate is the lowest in 50 years. We have just finished the two strongest years of job growth in ...
NFIB’s January jobs report found that 35% (seasonally adjusted) of small business owners reported job openings they could not fill in January, unchanged from December. Job openings were the highest in the transportation, construction, and manufacturing sectors, and the lowest in the agriculture an...
According to a new report from the federal government's Bureau of Labor Statistics last Friday, the US economy added 353,000 jobs for the month of January while the unemployment rate held at 3.7%. CNN news was sure to tell us that this was a "shockingly
The Januaryjobs reporthad economists and analysts everywhere scratching their heads. Indeed, the U.S. economy managed to shatter expectations in the first month of the year, adding nearly three times as many jobs as projected. How did economists get the January jobs report so wrong?
“In a year when the economic data is more important than the Fed, the January employment report clearly justified the Fed having tightened by 425 bps over the past 10 months,” he said. Still, the labor is a lagging indicator, making it one of the last areas likely to show weakness, ...
Don’t be surprised if Friday’s jobs report shows that February’s employment gains were far below those reported for January.