Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF) Centre for Applied Legal Studies Centre for Communication and Social Impact (CCSI) Centre for Communications Impact (CCI) Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR) Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD) Centre for Development and Community Welfare...
Regional UniServ Staff - RRC, based in San Jose, CA (Posted: 11/19/2024) California CTUL(Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en la Lucha) Construction Lead Organizer, based in Minneapolis, MN (Posted: 11/21/2024) Minnesota Executive Director, based in Minneapolis, MN (hybrid plus limited travel...
Traditional male clothing sees use of the Barretina (a type of hat or cap), the Sombrero (a hat coming in three varieties: Catite, Calanes and Cordobes, varying greatly based on the region), the Traje de Luces (a sequined suit worn typically by bullfighters), the Montera (a type of...