especially when you have a valuable skill or some kind of soft skills. This article will look at 16top jobsfor 13-year-olds. However, keep in mind that these are not typical professional or skilled
CAMP LEADERSHIP, CIT OR LIT OPPORTUNITIES: Available to 17 year olds at Camp Crestridge for Girls. The SALT Program is for former campers or those new to camp who wish to be part of camp life, but more importantly seek to develop leadership, service, and discipleship abilities. SALT partici...
The DZ SWIM site of PASA currently swims at the Foothills Tennis and Swim Club (FTSC) and Fletcher Middle School, both located in Palo Alto. We are seeking a year-round age group coach to work with swimmers ages 14 & younger for PASA. The position includes the opportunity to work for F...
For his insights on India, we thank C. Rangarajan, chairman of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council. We also thank Dilip Chenoy, CEO of the National Skill Development Corporation; Sonalde Desai, professor of sociology, University of Maryland;...
Students with jobs are more likely to stay in school. And for 10 years, they earn more for every year they worked. “Kids are working at a lower rate today than at anytime since just after World War II — a 60-year low,” says Sum, who studied teen employment for 30 years. “I...