Log in to submit jobs to this collection R*'s Community Series Jobs — Batch 29 (07 February 2024) 7 new jobs (5 races and 2 Valentine themed deathmatches) added to GTA Online as part of the Community Series. To see the list of all the jobs from the series, open GTALens jobs cata...
Gallery Post job voting. See Also Freemode in GTA Online- In-lobby counterpart Freemode Events- In-lobby events inGrand Theft Auto Online. External Links Navigation
Jobs are GTA Online Missions which players may choose to engage in either alone or with other members of their online session. Jobs are separate from the main
GTALens is a Rockstar Games Social Club alternative featuring convenient and detailed GTA Online jobs (maps) search system allowing you to find and play incredible creations made by very talanted & skilled community members.
GTA 5 Online Notes: Jump to Jobs / Missions List You can use CTRL + F on a keyboard (or the search feature in your browser) to find a specific job or mission quickly. Press X (Xbox 360/One), square (PS3/PS4), or MIDDLE MOUSE BUTTON (PC) to delete a job if you don't like...
With all the new activities added to GTA Online over the past few months, including new Adversary Modes like Running Back and Slasher, the addition of fully customizable rides and new missions in GTA Online: Lowriders, and all activities added in the...
Today at around 4pm eastern, we'll be broadcasting a special Rockstar Verified Edition livestream hosted bySwiftorand featuring special guest playersTypical GamerandXpertThief. We'll be playing the newGTA Online Verified Jobs from this week's update. You'll be able to watch alo...
It should come as no surprise that a Social Club member who is enrolled in theBullworth Alumni Rockstar Crewwould endeavor to recreate the campus hijinks of Bully in GTA Online. With the campus at the University of San Andreas Los Santos serving as the backdrop, you can duke it out with...
Hello guys I started playing GTA Online and I can't understand something I go to job and choose one. Personally I like King of the Hill ones But sometimes there are players and sometimes there aren't. I invite people and no one comes for some minutes and