Mayor Cherelle L. Parker framed the proposal to keep funding level as a second down payment on her plan to improve public safety following a pandemic-era surge in violence. New Philly police forensics lab will be in University City, Parker administration says ...
For example, in the Red List of Finnish species, forests are home to the largest number of assessed species, hosting 31.2% of all threatened species (Hyvärinen et al., 2019). At the same time, the Arctic region is warming faster than the rest of the globe; for example, at Finnish ...
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to actually attend in person, thanks to the Portland arctic blast, snowpocalypse, and resulting thawnami. But it’s probably just as well, given that I was all prepared to show up in my “incoming 2009” outfit—a sash and not much else. So thanks to ...
you'll find three thriving locations. Travel west to Corner Brook to visit Grenfell Campus, or journey east across the Atlantic Ocean to Harlow Campus in the United Kingdom for an international perspective. The newest addition is the Labrador Campus, home to the innovative School of Arctic and...