Hyderabad city police to recruit 191 temporary SPOs Hyderabad: Applications are invited from ex-servicemen, ex-paramilitary personnel, and retired police officers for enrollment as special police officers in 191 vacant positions with Hyderabad city police. A monthly honorarium of Rs 26,000 is being ...
Feeding the Urge In the weeks to come, The Equinest will feature each of the jobs on this list in detail. If you love horses, we are willing to be there is a perfect horse job out there for you. If you are looking for a horse job be sure to also visit ourhorse jobs sectionfor ...
Jeremy Gompertz QC. They got the gig due to their police law work, and Beer was tasked with redacting sensitive information from documents. The process, of course, is now done on a computer. Back then, however, Beer spent three months at Scotland Yard with...