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Looking for a job? Find an opening RoleAcademic PhysicianAnesthesiologist AssistantAssistant Medical DirectorAssistant Regional Medical DirectorChief CRNACRNAEM Residency Program DirectorEMS DirectorGeneral SurgeonIntensivistLicensed Professional CounselorMedical DirectorNational Medical DirectorNocturnistNurse MidwifeNurs...
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Anesthesiologist Assistant salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Anesthesiologist Assistant salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only. They are presented "as is" and updated regularly. ...
Physician Assistant Dentist Nurse Anesthetist Orthodontist Nurse Practitioner Pediatrician Obstetrician and Gynecologist Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Physician Prosthodontist Occupational Therapist Anesthesiologist Surgeon Nurse Midwife Registered Nurse Physical Therapist Podiatrist Speech-Language Pathologist Respiratory ...
The job outlook for speech-language pathologists over the next decade is 19.3% employment growth, faster than the average for all jobs. Learn more about speech-language pathologists. Next:2. Physician Assistant 15/17 Credit 2. Physician Assistant Median salary: $126,010Education required: Master'...
01 Specialist (Anesthesiologist) === BPS-17 === 01 Dental Surgeon 02 Junior Registrar (Cardiac Surgery) 01 Junior Registrar (Cardiology) === BPS-16 === 01 Assistant (Procurement) 01 Cardiac Rehab Nurse 10 General Staff Nurse 02 Scrub Nurse 10 Specialized Nurse (ICU, CCU, HDU...
Physician Assistant DevOps Engineer Actuary Data Scientist Veterinarian Data Engineer Radiation Therapist Marketing Manager Occupational Therapist Speech-Language Pathologist 1. Anesthesiologist Average Salary Range:$338,742 per year (Avg. Base Salary, USD) ...
Pediatric Anesthesiologist Cardiac Electrophysiology Immunology Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Pediatric Cardiologist Peripheral Vascular Disease Electrodiagnostic Medicine Emergency Medicine Pediatric Endocrinology Peds Endocrinology Reproductive Gastroenterology Peds Infectious Diseases Peds Nephrology Peds Gyn...
anesthesiologist (US) / anaesthetist (UK): A medical doctor specializing in anesthesia and the management of patients before, during, and after surgery. surgeon: A medical doctor who performs operations. My shift started at 8 o'clock ...