Job Title: Create a 1-Minute 2D Animated Educational Film for Kids (Ages 6-12) Description: I’m looking for an animator to create a 1-minute 2D animated film aimed at educating children (ages 6-12) about pet sterilization. The animation should be simple, engaging, and easy for kids to...
Live-Action Graphics Video for CricFoods 6 days left Verified I'm looking for a professionalvideocreator who can produce a live-action graphicsvideofor my brand, CricFoods. The primary aim of thisvideois to promote my brand in an engaging and visually appealing way. Key Requirements: - Thevi...
Care for someone younger than you andearn money. As a babysitter, you get paid for watching a child while the parent is away. The main part of your job is supervising children so they don't get hurt. Knowing what to do in an emergency is another important duty. You will also play wi...
‘Choose us. Choose life. Choose mortgage payments; choose washing machines; choose cars; choose sittin’ oan a couch watching mind-numbing and spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing junk food intae yir mooth. Choose rotting away, pishing and shiteing yersel in a home, a total fuckin embarras...
Short FilmGeneral Staff + CrewActionFantasyNonunion Posted: Oct 17 'Not What It Seems' Northampton, MA Description: Casting and seeking crew for "Not What It Seems," an urban fantasy story. Synopsis: The Fae a magical race have been at War with hunters for centuries. A Secret War hidden...
Al-Awn Foundation for Development 6 days ago Finance Assistant Finance/Accounting Aden 14 Jan. 2025 Action Contre la Faim 6 days ago FP/RH Manager Development Aden 21 Jan. 2025 JSI 1 week ago Projects Supervisor (Male) Engineering Sana'a 20 Jan. 2025 SEDAR 1 ...
Take our quick rebelutionary checkup to find out and to get a free customized action plan on how to grow and thrive as a rebelutionary. Take quiz Get The Rebelution in Your Inbox! Want to keep in touch with The Rebelution? Every week, we send out an email with our weekly content ...
aChildren in the USA will leave their parents' homes when they are old enough.They usually live far from their parents because they want to often good jobs.They often write to their parent or telephone them.And they often go to visi their parents on holidays. Pare 当他们是足够,老% [...
jobs coloring book: jobs coloring book for kids A Coloring Book filled with a group of professionals a Intended for Children aged 2-8. (Paperback) Save with Tape It Up!: Tape It Up! Class Jobs Bulletin Board (Other) $13.94 current price $13.94 ...
Governmental authorities and third parties involved in court actionWebix may share Personal Information with governmental or other public authorities (including, but not limited to, workers' compensation boards, courts, law enforcement, tax authorities and criminal investigations agencies); and third-party...