有三种角色, JobClient, JobTracker, TaskTracker。各个节点都是无状态的,可以部署多个,来实现负载均衡,实现更大的负载量, 并且框架具有很好的容错能力。 采用多种注册中心(Zookeeper,redis等)进行节点信息暴露,master选举。(Mongo or Mysql)存储任务队列和任务执行日志, netty做底层通信。 文......
systemuserauthorizationchangetracker, task, tdsmetadata, team, teammobileofflineprofilemembership, template, territory, theme, transactioncurrency, userform, usermapping, usermobileofflineprofilemembership, userquery, userrating, viewasexamplequestion, virtualentitymetadata, workflowbinary, workqueue, workqueue...
import( "github.com/dgruber/drmaa2os _"github.com/dgruber/drmaa2os/pkg/jobtracker/simpletracker")sm,err:=drmaa2os.NewDefaultSessionManager("testdb.db")iferr!=nil{panic(err) }js,err:=sm.CreateJobSession("jobsession","")iferr!=nil{panic(err) }jt:=drmaa2interface.JobTemplate{RemoteComma...
FeatureTemplate FeatureType FenceGeotrigger FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo FenceParameters Field FieldDescription FieldDescriptionListModel FieldGroup FieldsPopupElement FileGeodatabaseWorkspace FillSymbol FillSymbolLayer FloorAware FloorFacility FloorLevel FloorManager FloorSite FrameCameraAddRastersParameters Freehand...
On another note, this tracker is only for reporting bugs (again, as explained in the issue template). Do you consider this a scheduler bug? agronholmclosed this ascompletedMar 18, 2020 agronholmadded thequestionlabelMar 18, 2020 Owner ...
Things for Work - Templates21Free Writing a smart cover letter or resume is not always an easy task. For most people, writing a good resume and letter is tough, and it takes time. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could figure out how to make a resume that would get you an interview...
shader屬性 (或是建構函式參數) 會指定代表用於作業之著色器的 Shader 實體。您可以透過關聯的 ShaderParameter 或 ShaderInput 實體,提供著色器預期的任何參數或輸入。 執行ShaderJob 作業之前,請提供用於寫入結果的物件,將該物件設定為target屬性的值。著色器作業完成時,結果會寫入target物件。
只需要关心job类的实现即可...QuartzEnum { public enum TaskType implements IConvertEnumToCodeItem { Cycle(10, "循环任务"), Corn...(20, "Corn表达式任务"); private int _value; private String _name; private TaskType...} catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } //增加...
-- The template for the printed page, with the contents for all pages. --> <FormPrintHeader id="header" /> <!-- The data grid. The sizeToPage property is true by default, so the last page has only as many grid ro PrintDataGridExample.mxml <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Main...
CreateInstanceExportTask CreateInternetGateway CreateKeyPair CreateLaunchTemplate CreateNetworkAcl CreateNetworkAclEntry CreateNetworkInterface CreatePlacementGroup CreateRoute CreateRouteTable CreateSecurityGroup CreateSnapshot CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription CreateSubnet CreateTags CreateVolume CreateVpc CreateVpcEndpoint ...