ERROR : Ended Job= job_1494385775332_0822 with exception' status not available )' Job status not available at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job.updateStatus( at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job.getJobState( at org.apache.hadoop...
Hadoop集群上跑mapreduce,在job任务执行完成退出时报 Job status not available异常。Job client请求job状态时,Application已经完成转而去Job history server请求job状态,就在这里抛出异常。 [xubc@master conf]$ hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar wordcount /u... Job status not available 2014-04-2021:57:24,544INFO [main] mapred.ClientServiceDelegate ( Application state is completed. FinalApplicationStatus=SUCCEEDED. Redirecting tojobhistory not availableatorg.apach...
解决hiveserver2报错 Job status not available - Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from 2017-07-07 00:27 − ... 山君 0 37631 相关...
For example, a Task can request Job permissions in order to add other Tasks to the Job, or check the status of the Job or of other Tasks under the Job. commandLine string The command line of the Job Manager Task. The command line does not run under a shell, and therefore cannot ...
If false, the completion of the Job Manager Task does not affect the Job status. In this case, you should either use the onAllTasksComplete attribute to terminate the Job, or have a client or user terminate the Job explicitly. An example of this is if the Job Manager creates a set of...
If false, the completion of the Job Manager Task does not affect the Job status. In this case, you should either use the onAllTasksComplete attribute to terminate the Job, or have a client or user terminate the Job explicitly. An example of this is if the Job Manager creates a set of...
# Local path where the code is stored command="ls ${{inputs.input_data}}", inputs=my_job_inputs, environment="<environment_name>:<version>", compute="cpu-cluster", ) # Submit the command returned_job = # Get a URL for the job status returned...
Status String Succeeded 通话状态。 PlanedTime Long 1579068424883 计划拨打时间。 ChatbotId String 1234 对话的机器人ID。 ActualTime Long 1579068424883 实际执行时间。 CalledNumber String 135***8888 被叫号码。 EndTime Long 1579068424883 实际结束的时间。 ScenarioId String ade80092-03d9-4f4d-ad4f-ab8a24...
Status String Succeeded 通话状态。 PlanedTime Long 1579068424883 计划拨打时间。 ChatbotId String 1234 对话的机器人ID。 ActualTime Long 1579068424883 实际执行时间。 CalledNumber String 135***8888 被叫号码。 EndTime Long 1579068424883 实际结束的时间。 ScenarioId String ade80092-03d9-4f4d-ad4f-ab8a24...