Job 2:1 Hebrew the sons of God Job 2:10 The Hebrew word rendered foolish denotes moral deficiency. 約伯記 2 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 2 又有一天,神的众子来侍立在耶和华面前,撒但也来在其中。 2 耶和华问撒但说:你从哪里来?撒但回答说:我从地上走来走去,往返而来。 3 ...
In the Bible, an upright man whose faith in God survived the test of repeated calamities. [Hebrew 'iyyôb; see ʔb in Semitic roots.] Job 2 (jōb) n. See Table at Bible. [After Job.] job 1 (jŏb) n. 1. a. A regular activity performed in exchange for payment, especially...
Define does the job. does the job synonyms, does the job pronunciation, does the job translation, English dictionary definition of does the job. In the Bible, an upright man whose faith in God survived the test of repeated calamities. n. See Table at Bib
"sonsofGod"andSatanpresentthemselvestoGod.GodasksSatanhisopiniononJob,apparentlyatrulypiousman.SatananswersthatJobispiousonlybecauseheisprosperous.InresponsetoSatan'sassertion,GodgivesSatanpermissiontodestroyJob'spossessionsandfamily.►All ofJob'spossessionsaredestroyedanda'ruach'(wind/spirit)causesthehouseof...
17 And so Job died, an old man and full of years. Footnotes Job 38:7 Hebrew the sons of God Job 38:31 Septuagint; Hebrew beauty Job 38:32 Or the morning star in its season Job 38:32 Or out Leo Job 38:33 Or their Job 38:36 That is, wisdom about the flooding of the Nile Jo...
1 One day when the sons of God came to stand in front of the LORD, Satan the Accuser came along with them. 2 The LORD asked Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From wandering all over the earth." 3 The LORD asked Satan, "Have you thought about my ...
1:4; wherefore of them is it written (Ps. 81:6): "I have said, You are gods": and angels too are called "sons of God," according to Job 1:6. Thus sacrifice should be offered to all these. Objection 2: Further, …Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica Whether the Gifts Differ ...
昨晚发现凡高大者无不蔑视出自He sees everything that is high,he is king over all the sons of pride. 感觉翻译的不对,这句话看起来是说:他从高处看一切,他是王者傲视着俯瞰他的臣子(儿子们) 心血来潮查了旧圣经,开篇就讲Job(人名)perfect且up高大很雄壮,另God害怕。看起来西方人的圣经是记录祖先的事...
A man described as blameless and upright, who feared God and shunned evil. He is the central figure in the Book of Job, experiencing intense suffering and loss.2. Little BoysRepresents the younger generation or those who are typically expected to show respect to their elders. Their scorn ...
昨晚发现凡高大者无不蔑视出自He sees everything that is high,he is king over all the sons of pride. 感觉翻译的不对,这句话看起来是说:他从高处看一切,他是王者傲视着俯瞰他的臣子(儿子们) 心血来潮查了旧圣经,开篇就讲Job(人名)perfect且up高大很雄壮,另God害怕。看起来西方人的圣经是记录祖先的事...