“secondary education”; 3 = “tertiary education”); previous unemployment experiences (0 = “never been unemployed for a period longer than 3 months”; 1 = “at least once”); partner’s working condition (1 = “employed”; 2 = “self-employed”; 3 = “unemployed”; 4 = “inactive...
Categories of Economic Sectors The economy is divided into five economic sectors referred to as the primary sector, the secondary sector, the tertiary sector, the quaternary sector, and the quinary sector. Each sector plays an important role in contributing to the goods and services that make up...
These included year of birth from which age was calculated for the year of data collection; gender; education (in three categories: primary, secondary, tertiary); marital status (in two categories: lives alone/lives with partner); number of persons in the household; number of children; subjecti...
ImIsprimary ImProtocol JobTitle 名称 说明 电话 PhoneIsprimary PhoneticName PhoneType 邮政 PostalIsprimary PostalType SecondaryEmail SecondaryEmailType SecondaryPhone SecondaryPhoneType 三级邮件 TertiaryEmailType 三级电话 TertiaryPhoneType 属性 Contacts.Intents.UI Contacts.IOrganizationColumns Contacts.IPeopleColum...
Banking is a diverse industry, with entry-level, mid-level and senior positions in retail and corporate sectors. Here are 10 popular banking jobs you may pursue: 1. Bank tellerNational average salary: $57,334 per yearPrimary duties: A bank teller is the main point of contact for a bank'...
The public health sector system consists of eight hospitals and a number of primary health care centers around the country. The hospitals offer services for primary, secondary and tertiary care. The health system is currently undergoing major changes, and in 2011 a new General Health System is ...
could more than double by 2030 to achieve parity as technology shapes the future of work The nature of work is changing, affecting more than 1.2 billion full-time equivalents globally.3 As technology advances, it transforms careers: ...
The sample includes employees with different occupational status (12.1% unskilled workers; 18.3% skilled workers; 48.1% professionals; 21.5% managers), and education (6.0% primary or lower secondary; 63.2% vocational education; 18.1% upper secondary; 12.7 tertiary). Mean tenure is 15.4 years (...
Graduates from various tertiary institutions in the country can now avail themselves of the opportunity presented by this app to apply for jobs across the six geopolitical zones of the country in a seeming less manner The app offers other Read More … Audio-Visual documentary production at Christia...
Participants Convenience sampling was used to recruit participants online who were licensed nurses (staff nurses and nursing leaders), worked in secondary (300–500 beds) or tertiary (over 500 beds) Egyptian hospitals for at least 1 year, and were on duty during the time of data col- ...