《JOB_SATISFACTION》.pdf IJCM Vol . 8, No . 3/4, 1998 7 JOB SATISFACTION AND ORGANIZATION COMMITMENT: A COMPARISON OF UNITED STATES AND MEXICO EMPLOYEES Christine Borycki Ron G. Thorn Jane LeMaster This study compares the nature of job satisfaction and organization commitment of employees in ...
For mental health, psychological distress was measured by the Kessler-6, a 6-item questionnaire asking participants whether they experienced the following in the past 30 days: depression or sadness, nervousness, hopelessness, restlessness or fidgetiness, worthlessness, and feeling that everything was ...
Job satisfaction, occupational commitment and intent to stay among Chinese nurses: a cross-sectional questionnaire survey Wang L, Tao H, Ellenbecker CH & Liu X (2012) Job satisfaction, occupational commitment and intent to stay among Chinese nurses: a cross-sectional questionn... Lin,Wang,Hong...
[Purpose] The survey aimed to clarify the factors that affect physiotherapists' job satisfaction. [Subjects and Methods] To examine factors affecting physical therapists' job satisfaction using a cross-sectional study with a questionnaire survey. Subjects were 193 first-year physical therapists who part...
satisfactionnursesnursingshortageoccupationalcommitmentWang L, Tao H, Ellenbecker CH & Liu X (2012) Job satisfaction, occupational commitment and intent to stay among Chinese nurses: a cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Journal of Advanced Nursing68(3), 539–549....
Team managers for all teams in the selected networks (n = 49) were approached to complete a second questionnaire covering client profiles (e.g. diagnoses), team characteristics (e.g. team size, composition), clinical activities (e.g. use of different clinical approaches), organizational culture...
CTDCFJobSatisfactionSurveyFindingsandImplicationsforTraining Preparedby VirginiaStrand,D.S.W. MarthaDore,Ph.D. ChildrenandFamiliesInstituteforResearch,SupportandTraining (ChildrenFIRST) FordhamUniversityGraduateSchoolofSocialService June13,2005 NYFordhamUsitevisitreportDraftrevised2-19-0714 TABLEOFCONTENTS Page ...
This study examined teacher job satisfaction in Chinese middle schools from the aspects of school, community, and life and the relationships between these factors and teacher moving. A convenience sample of 294 teachers was approached through a 35-item questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS. ...
The Norwegian Social Science Data Service approved the survey. Questionnaires were distributed to crew members during their working period on the vessels, and the respondents were asked to complete the questionnaire toward the end of their stay onboard. The length of the work period varied between ...
In addition to its well-known methodological rigor, the ESS is useful since it provides measures of labor-market status and characteristics, as well as several questions about life satisfaction as part of its core questionnaire. Moreover, for the rounds considered, the ESS included measures of ...