The article discusses job prospects for U.S. law school graduates and the veracity of job placement claims by U.S. law schools as of 2012. According to the article, lawsuits in the U.S. were initiated by many law graduates against their alma maters alleging the misrepresentation of ...
While there are a variety of resources job seekers can use to find jobs, it's also important to consider where top companies are the most likely to find&candidates&online. Here's what career experts say are the best places to be seen and how grads can make themselves visibl...
new workers. according to the bls, private service-providing fields including health care, social assistance, leisure and hospitality, finance and government all added more jobs this spring. these are great industries for today’s college grads to target their search for jobs after college. see: ...
Not only is there a bifurcation between those who hold degrees and those who don't, but there also is a similar gulf in the degree skills market, with some jobs drawing scores of applicants while others sit unfilled, making the competition for the jobs recent grads want even more intense....
How Do Recent College Grads Really Stack up? Employment and Earnings for Graduates of the Great Recession. The May employment numbers broke from the positive news of the last few months and revealed weakness in the job market. Not surprisingly to most Americans,... Greenstone, Michael|Looney, ...
Job prospects best for business, technology gradsFrancine Knowles
Job Prospects For High School GradsNEAL CONAN
The article discusses the better job market and career opportunities for graduates of fashion colleges in the U.S. during 2013, but will face more competition for each open slot. It notes some clothing companies that hosted on-campu...
Job Prospects Good for College Grads in USAs graduating college students move in with their parents or occupy a friend's couch while they search for jobs, hosts of these transients will be relieved to hear that by all measures it should be a relatively short job hunt.Peter, Tom A...
Karen KreegerThe ScientistScientist