)He's been struggling to find a full-time job, so in the meantime, he's been doing odd jobs here and there to make ends meet.(他一直在努力找全职工作,所以与此同时,他偶尔做些零工来维持生计。)02关于“兼职”的英语表达 “兼职”最简单的就是“part-time job”,其中“part-time”可以理...
Do Full-Time Jobs always come with benefits? While common, not all Full-Time Jobs offer benefits. It depends on the employer and the position. 12 Is it common to hold more than one Part-Time Job? Yes, some individuals hold multiple Part-Time Jobs to meet financial needs or for varied ...
part time job system 非全时工作制 part time jobs 业余工作 Part time Professor 兼职教授 part time employees 非整班雇员 part time shift 非全日班次 part time teacher 兼职教师 part time employment 非全日性工作,非全日制就业 part time idleness 半失业 part time judge 【法】 兼职法官 ...
I'm looking for a part time job. 我正在找兼职工作。 权威例句 Part-time Job Part-time Job Half A Job: Bad and Good Part-Time Jobs in a Changing Labor Market Half A Job:Bad and Good Part-Time Jobs in a Changing Labor Market
先和大家说说为什么不能用“part-time job”。 大家都知道“part-time job”是兼职的意思,但是打零工与兼职可是不一样的! "打零工"通常指的是从事一些短期、临时或非正式的工作,但总的来说也是全职的一种。 而"兼职"则是指在主要工作之外,利用...
英文:She did various part-time jobs during college and accumulated rich social experience. 英文同义表达: “side job”:指除了主要工作之外,额外从事的工作,通常是为了赚取额外收入。 例句:Many people take on side jobs to make ends meet. (许多人为了维持生计而从事兼职工作。...
should we put the blame on part-time jobs? is it a good thing for college students to work part time? it is true that ecellent academic: qualifications are something essential if you want to find a good job after you leave school. but on the other hand, for those who can easily get...
He's been struggling to find a full-time job, so in the meantime, he's been doing odd jobs here and there to make ends meet.(他一直在努力找全职工作,所以与此同时,他偶尔做些零工来维持生计。) 02关于“兼职”的英语表达 “兼职”最简单的就是“part-time job”,其中“part-time”可以理解为...
wish to takeonpart-time jobsareto consult with their tutors on the nature or time ofthepart-time jobbefore applying for permission. w3.u-ryukyu.ac.jp w3.u-ryukyu.ac.jp 希望打工者在申请许可之前,请向指导教员仔细咨询打工内容和时间等。
part-time-job-英语作文 Part-time jobs are a great way for students to earn some extra cash while gaining valuable experience. I've been working part-time at a local coffee shop for a few months now, and it's been an absolute blast. Every morning, I get up early and head to work....