A-job-interview AJOBINTERVIEW 1 AJOBINTERVIEW Words&Phrases:bonus:奖金intern:实习生well-paid:薪水丰厚的recruitment:招聘challenging:挑战性的benefitspackage:福利待遇 2 AJOBINTERVIEW Words&Phrases:jobobjective:工作目标workovertime:加班personal/casualleave:事假sickleave:病假paidleave:带薪假responsible:有...
A_job_interview AJOBINTERVIEW 1 AJOBINTERVIEW Words&Phrases:bonus:奖金intern:实习生well-paid:薪水丰厚的recruitment:招聘challenging:挑战性的benefitspackage:福利待遇 2 AJOBINTERVIEW Words&Phrases:jobobjective:工作目标workovertime:加班personal/casualleave:事假sickleave:病假paidleave:带薪假responsible:有...
690. How to Prepare Your Korean Job Interview是【油管搬运】800+集韩语学习教程 Learn Korean with KoreanClass101.com的第682集视频,该合集共计851集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Correct spelling 正确的单词拼写 西安现场招聘会 Xi'an Job Interview How to write an application letter formal sentences layout useful expressions Polish up your application letter after class. Email address: lbz8623@126.com 相关推荐》》》相关试卷 高中英语 Module 2(A Job Worth Doing-...
So those are 10 job interview questions and a few different ways you can respond to them. So I think those are useful for job interviews yes, but maybe if you interview for a university or interview for a scholarship or something, you can use similar responses to similar questions. So if...
1.How to prepare for an Interview?2.what factors will influence one in choosing a job?1) W ords and Phrases Grill, follow up, prospective, athlete, endeavor, employment, do one/s homework, take a crack at, identify, make a difference, pry, generous, beyond one’s wildest dream 2)the...
Words&Phrases:position:职位,岗位staff:员工salary:薪水(月)wage:报酬(日/周)colleague:同事marketing:市场部finance:财务部personnel:人事部customservice:客户服务idealjob:理想工作probation:试用期 LOOKFORAJOB UsefulExpressions:- - - - Canyougivemesometips/adviceabouthowtoget/findagoodjob?在找到好...
商务英语听说(上)教案Unit 14 Job Interview.pdf,Unit14 Job interview Teaching Objectives 1. To develop the students’ listening skill. 1. To train the students’ ability to gain some tips of job interview. 2. To give the students more chances to talk abo
私信分享 PDF Transcript This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod lesson on first round job interviews. learn how to answer common interview questions and useful phrases and vocabulary for English job interviews. As you’ll remember from the first episode, Mike Barnes is interviewing...