1 a : a piece of work especially : a small miscellaneous piece of work undertaken on order at a stated rate b : the object or material on which work is being done 2 a : a specific duty, role, or function a job description b : a regular remunerative position More...
The meaning of JOB DESCRIPTION is an orderly record of the essential activities involved in the performance of a task that is abstracted from a job analysis and used in classifying and evaluating jobs and in the selection and placement of employees.
Job description refers to written informative documentation that states the duties, tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications of a job, based on the findings of a job analysis.
Read on to find out the main points to cover when writing a job description, including examples. Reasons for Job Descriptions Job descriptions are an essential part of managing the work of any organization. Use them to do the following: Provide meaning for people, so that they know why ...
Job description, commonly known as JD, is a frequently used term by Human Resource Managers for the list of duties & responsibilities of a position. According toDictionary.com A detailed written account, agreed between management and worker, of all the duties and responsibilities which together mak...
Browse the definition and meaning of more similar terms. The Management Dictionary covers over 1800 business concepts from 5 categories. Continue Reading: « Job DescriptionJob Enlargement » Important Definitions:
Job description:This is a summary of the main points of the job, including examples of the duties and responsibilities. It tends to be quite detailed. Job requirements:This is where the company lists the requirements of the job. It states what types of skills and characteristics they are look...
Job Description Meaning Job description is a written document that specifies the duties, tasks, responsibilities and qualifications of a job based on job analysis. Job description is used in the recruitment process to inform applicants about the job profile and requirements, as well as in theperform...
What is the meaning of job description? A job description or JD isa written narrative that describes the general tasks, or other related duties, and responsibilities of a position. ... The analysis considers the areas of knowledge, skills and abilities needed to perform the job. ...
The liaison officer role will be described. Learn what a liaison does. See liaison role examples and understand the functions of this role in...