Police officers usually become eligible for promotion after a probationary period. Promotions to corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, and captain usually are made according to scores on a written examination and on-the-job performance. In large departments, an officer may be promoted to detective or to...
South San Francisco Police Corporal Fights to Get Job BackKinney, Aaron
Job Description A special reaction team is comprised ofmilitary policepersonnel trained to give an installation commander the ability to counter or contain a special threat situation surpassing normal law enforcement capabilities - very much like a SWAT Team in any metropolitan area in the United State...
After police had interviewed Terry Ryan during the day of May 5, they issued a notice to be broadcast over the New South Wales Police Network for all officers to be on the lookout for a mustard-colored Daihatsu 4WD. All local radio stations were given a description of the vehicle and of...