jna-platform-jpms-5.8.0.jar香草**美人 上传1.28MB 文件格式 jar jna java调用dll java调用c++ java调用动态库 java调用第三方语言 jna的多模块平台化版本,可以说是jna系列里功能最强大的一个版本 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
//maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>net.java.dev.jna</groupId> <artifactId>jna-jpms</artifactId> <version>TEMPLATE</version> <packaging>jar</packaging> <name>Java Native Access</name> <description>Java Native Access</description> <url>https...
The maven coordinates of the experimental JPMS (java module system) artifacts were moved from using the classifierjpmsto custom artifact idsjna-jpmsandjna-platform-jpms, without an classifier. The reason for this is, that the platform artifacts depend on the jna artifacts and need to pull in th...
jna-5.13.0.jarjna-jpms-5.13.0.jar This is the core artifact of JNA and contains only the binding library and the core helper classes. JNA Platform jna-platform-5.13.0.jarjna-platform-jpms-5.13.0.jar This artifact holds cross-platform mappings and mappings for a number of commonly used pl...
jna-platform-5.14.0.jar jna-platform-jpms-5.14.0.jar This artifact holds cross-platform mappings and mappings for a number of commonly used platform functions, including a large number of Win32 mappings as well as a set of utility classes that simplify native access. The code is tested and...
jna-5.15.0.jar jna-jpms-5.15.0.jar This is the core artifact of JNA and contains only the binding library and the core helper classes. JNA Platform jna-platform-5.15.0.jar jna-platform-jpms-5.15.0.jar This artifact holds cross-platform mappings and mappings for a number of commonly used...
jna-5.15.0.jar jna-jpms-5.15.0.jar This is the core artifact of JNA and contains only the binding library and the core helper classes. JNA Platform jna-platform-5.15.0.jar jna-platform-jpms-5.15.0.jar This artifact holds cross-platform mappings and mappings for a number of commonly used...
build-ant-tools.xml build.xml checkstyle.xml checkstyle_header.txt checkstyle_suppressions.xml create-export-package-metadata-pom.xml create-export-package-metadata.sh jna.keystore logo.png pom-jna-jpms.xml pom-jna-platform-jpms.xml pom-jna-platform.xml pom-jna.xml w32ce-test.lnkBreadcrumbs...
<property name="pom-platform-jpms-base" value="pom-jna-platform-jpms.xml" /> <property name="pom" value="${build}/pom-jna.xml" /> <property name="pom-platform" value="${build}/pom-jna-platform.xml" /> <property name="pom-jpms" value="${build}/pom-jna-jpms.xml" /> <property...