JMP是一款专为科学家和工程师而设计的功能强大的统计分析软件,同时也是任何解决数据问题人士的理想之选。 JMP拥有数据准备、数据分析、绘图等一系列完整的工具套件,让您和组织在数据处理方面真正势不可挡。
JMP software combines interactive visualization with powerful statistics. Download Free Trial WE STATISTICS See what happens when passion and purpose collide. Check it out Because JMP is so intuitive, anyone can achieve useful analytics.
JMP, free and safe download. JMP latest version: A Robust Data Analysis Software for Professional Data Explorers. JMP is a data analysis tool that sci
Download your free trial of JMP software. See for yourself why JMP is the data analysis tool of choice for hundreds of thousands of data explorers worldwide.
A resource for JMP software users. Start or join a conversation to solve a problem or share tips and tricks with other JMP users. Read blog posts,
A resource for JMP software users. Start or join a conversation to solve a problem or share tips and tricks with other JMP users. Read blog posts,
(12 hours ago)JMP User Community. A resource for JMP software users. Start or join a conversation to solve a problem or share tips and tricks with other JMP users. Read blog posts, and download and share JMP add-ins, scripts and sample data. JMP software is unimpacted by the Apache Lo...
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