Simple linear regression is used to model the relationship between two continuous variables. Often, the objective is to predict the value of an output variable based on the value of an input variable.
Simple Linear RegressionModel the bivariate relationship between a continuous response variable and a continuous explanatory variable.Step-by-step guide View GuideWHERE IN JMPAnalyze > Fit Y by XAdditional Resources Statistics Knowledge Portal: Simple Linear Regression...
183 19 - Transformations in Simple Linear Regression Example - Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Concentration and Age of Rainbow Trout in La..
Following the tradition of The Chemical Statistician, this post combines my passions for statistics and chemistry by illustrating how simple linear regression can be used for the method of standard addition in analytical chemistry. In particular, I highlight the useful capability of the “Inverse Pred...
Correlation and Simple Linear Regression in JMP:相关和JMP简单线性回归 热度: Minitab系统相关和回归分析 热度: 如何使用数据统计软件JMP和Minitab有效分析数据(入门学 热度: JMP和Minitab的比较(二):简单回归分析 ZDNet企业管理软件频道更新时间:2008-08-14作者:**: ...
In Section 9.6, you tested the existence of the slope in a simple linear regression model to determine the significance of the relationship between X and Y. In addition, you constructed a confidence interval of the population slope. In this section, these procedures are extended to the multiple...
Simple Linear Regressioni? 211Chapter 10:i? Multiple Regressioni? 241Chapter 11:i? Control Charts for Six Sigma Managementi? 279Appendix A:i? Review of Arithmetic and Algebrai? 321Appendix B:i? Summation Notationi? 329Appendix C:i? Statistical Tablesi? 333Appendix D:i? Documentation of ...
JMP的操作路径为:主菜单Analyze Fit Y By X,初始报告弹出菜单中的Fit Line,以及Linear Fit弹出报告中的Confid Curve Fit和Confid Curve Indiv等相关选项,得到的报表如图一所示;Minitab的操作路径为:主菜单Stat Regression Fitted Line Plot,Options中选择Display confidence interval和Display prediction interval,得到的...
1、JMP特性和案例鼠标操作事件:随时随地响应您的操作 许多统计分析软件包对用户操作的响应都非常有限 - 数据和结果都端坐在一旁 - 偶而根据指令做出一些响应,描述结果的报表也相当死气沉沉。 JMP作为一套动态数据分析系统。任何在您的桌面显示出来的窗口都是互动的。数据,分析过程都可以根据您的需求即时作出变化。每...
Simple Linear Regression¾ 211Chapter 10:¾ Multiple Regression¾ 241Chapter 11:¾ Control Charts for Six Sigma Management¾ 279Appendix A:¾ Review of Arithmetic and Algebra¾ 321Appendix B:¾ Summation Notation¾ 329Appendix C:¾...