可以先安装它。打开JMeter,点击“选项” -> “插件管理器” -> “安装插件管理器”。
重写WebViewClient方法 public class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient { public boolean shoul...
I have never experienced something like this. I just tried with this test plan (based on the one you provided) and could not reproduce the issue you describe: @TestpublicvoidtestPerformance()throwsIOException{StringitemApiRootUrl="http://myserviceurl.com";HashMap<Integer,String>itemIdMap=newHa...
log.info("RegExUserParameters element:"+getName()+" => Referenced RegExp was not found, no parameter will be changed");return; } HTTPSamplerBase sampler = (HTTPSamplerBase) entry;for(JMeterProperty jMeterProperty : sampler.getArguments()) { ...
JMeter默认协议等级TLS(传输层安全性)。这可以通过修改在jmeter.proerties或者user.properties文件中的"https.default.protocol"来改变。 JMeter被配置接受所有的证书,不管是否信赖和合法时间等。这允许在测试服务器最大灵活性。 如果服务器需要一个客户端证书,这是可以提供的。
Upon clicking OK, no other files are created and the recorder is not started. The following error is recorded in the log file: 2014/09/04 08:50:09 ERROR - jmeter.protocol.http.proxy.ProxyControl: Could not initialise key store java.io.FileNotFoundException: Source 'ApacheJMeterTemporaryRoot...
# Since 2.12, JMeter does not create anymore a Sample Result with 204 response # code for a resource found in cache which is inline with what browser do. #cache_manager.cached_resource_mode=RETURN_NO_SAMPLE # You can choose between 3 modes: # RETURN_NO_SAMPLE (default) # RETURN_...
Bug 58913- When closing JMeter should not interpret cancel as "destroy my test plan". Contributed by Benoit Wiart (benoit dot wiart at gmail.com) Bug 59096- Search Feature : Case insensitive search is not really case insensitive Bug 59193-ant run_gui fails withClassNotFoundException orIllegalAc...