安装JMeter之前,我们要先安装起来java环境,也就是安装jdk(java development kit),java语言的软件开发工具包。如果像我一样直接安装JMeter,会报错"Not able to find Java execute or version. Please check your Java installation. errorlevel=2"。如下图: 一、jdk的安装 1、这个网址是Java的官网,Java...
Free, open source, good documentation, user friendly interface, very extensible, easy installation, test result visualization, and multi protocol support. These are all the advantages of using Apache Jmeter. And since it is a Java desktop software, other than Windows, it can be used on other ...
Windows版JMeter下载安装 :\JMeter\apache-jmeter-5.1.1)配置环境变量(classpath=%JMETER_HOME%\lib\ext\ApacheJMeter_core.jar;%JMETER_HOME%\lib\jorphan.jar;%JMETER_HOME%\lib/logkit-2.0.jar;); 验证是否安装成功:双击此安装目录下bin文件夹的jemeter.bat。
)。 方法二 在Jmeter的安装目录下的bin目录中找到jmeter.properties这个文件,用文本编辑器打开。 报错 打开jemter.bat时 报错“notabletofindJavaexecutableorversion.Pleasecheckyourjavainstallation” 这时,只要在在环境变量PATH中添加 windows环境下jmeter环境搭建 ...
tgz压缩格式用于unix系统。Windows系统中用WinRAR也能解压tgz. 双击/bin/jmeter.bat,打开GUI mode来设计脚本。 如果设计完成后,跑压力测试,要用Non-GUI mode. 如果没有安装JAVA,在运行jmeter.bat后,会提示 Not able to find Java executable or version.Please check your Java installation. ...
1. Open the “bin” directory of the JMeter installation in the command-line interpreter application (cmd.exe or Powershell for Windows, Terminal for Mac/Linux/Unix). 2. Type the following command: For Mac/Linux/Unix: ./jmeter.shFor Windows: jmeter.bat Using the command-line interpreter...
Therefore, JMeter can run on windows, Linux, Mac etc. Apache JMeter 3.1 is the latest version available in the market as of now with some more enhancements lined up forthefuture. Below are some of the protocols supported by JMeter:
1.3 安装(Installation) 推荐使用最新版本。 要安装发布(release)版本,只需将zip/tar文件解压到要安装JMeter的目录中。如果您已经正确地安装了JRE/JDK和JAVA_HOME环境变量集,那么就不需要做其他工作了。 如果目录路径包含任何空格,就会出现问题(特别是client-server模式)。
在Windows服务器中启动startAgent.bat文件即可。默认端口为4444,也可以参数指定–udp-port 4445 –tcp-port 4445。 如下图所示: (在服务器中的任何目录中启动都可以) (3)JMeter相关配置 我们可以修改bin/jmeter.properties文件中的一些配置项,把有关系jmeterplugins和thread的属性项都打开。
JMeter Installation: First, download the JMeter software on your system. Then, follow the step-by-step procedure below to install the JMeter on your Windows machine. First, make sure whether your system is installed with Java 8 or above ...