示例配置正则表达式提取器: 名称:设置为Extract Data from Response 引用名称:设置为data 正则表达式:设置为\bvalue\s+(\d+)\b 模板:设置为$1$ 匹配组:设置为1 结果分析与报告 查看结果树 结果树(View Results Tree)监听器用于显示每个请求的详细信息,如请求/响应数据、时间等。 在测试计划中右键点击,选择“...
JSON is not a regular language因此使用正则表达式不是最好的主意,JMeter附带了JSON Extractor,它允许...
JMeter附带CSS Extractor,它提供了通过CSS Selectors提取各种属性值的选项。在你的情况下,它会是这样的...
If you need to get a value from a JSON response which depends on the other value, i.e. get “firstName” where “lastName” is “Smith” - it is also possible using JSON Path filter expressions. We’ll need the following JSON Path syntax elements: ?() - filter function @ - current...
转自https://octoperf.com/blog/2017/03/09/how-to-extract-data-from-json-response-using-jmeter/ People that successfully extract content from Json documents do two things very well: First, they understand how the json format works, Second, they put 100% of their resources execute and scaling...
The JSON response is well formatted and very convenient to read. JSON Path Extractor TheJSON Path Extractorpost-processor is designed to extract values from JSON responses using the JSONPath syntax. How to find:HTTP Request -> Add -> Post Processors -> jp@gc - JSON Path Extractor ...
首先, 在需要添加断言的请求后面, 添加响应断言.然后, 根据需要来添加需要响应的规则.断言组件是通过获取...
I had been using JMeter to generate load for my production server to test my application. The test-plan has 13+ HTTP sampler to make different request and one Regular Expression extractor to extract some value from the response. This value was used in consecutive HTTP Sampler. This test case...