Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "fail" with ImagePullBackOff: "Back-off pulling image \"rosskukulinski/dne:v1.0.0\"" 显示错误的那句话: Failed to pull image "rosskukulinski/dne:v1.0.0": Error: image rosskukulinski/dne not found 告诉我们 Kubernetes无法找到镜像...
ClientJMeterEngine.tidyRMI(log);// This should be enough to allow server to exit.if(REMOTE_SYSTEM_EXIT) {// default is falselog.warn("About to run System.exit(0) on {}", host);// Needs to be run in a separate thread to allow RMI call to return OKThreadt=newThread() {@Override...
exit 远程退出由 RemoteJMeterEngineImpl.rexit() 和notifyTestListenersOfEnd() 调用 iff exitAfterTest 为 true; 反过来,run( ) 方法调用,也调用 StopTest 类 /** * Remote exit * Called by RemoteJMeterEngineImpl.rexit() * and by notifyTestListenersOfEnd() iff exitAfterTest is true; * in turn...
{ log.error(JMeterUtils.getResString("stopping_test_failed")); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (SYSTEM_EXIT_ON_STOP_FAIL) { // default is true log.error("Exiting"); System.out.println("Fatal error, could not stop test, exiting"); // NOSONAR Intentional System.exit(1); // NOSONAR Intentional...
exit(0); // NOSONAR Intentional } }; t.start(); } } isActive isActive 在测试中 JMeterEngine 返回值: boolean 用于显示引擎是否处于活动状态的标志(在测试运行时为true)。在测试结束时设置为 false。 代码语言:javascript 复制 /** * 引擎是否有效的标识,在测试结束时设为false * 在confgiure()的...
exit 远程退出由 RemoteJMeterEngineImpl.rexit() 和notifyTestListenersOfEnd() 调用 iff exitAfterTest 为 true; 反过来,run( ) 方法调用,也调用 StopTest 类。 /** * Remote exit * Called by RemoteJMeterEngineImpl.rexit() * and by notifyTestListenersOfEnd() iff exitAfterTest is true; * in tu...
Error: Missing argument to option -l Usage --? print command line options and exit -h, --help print usage information and exit -v, --version print the version information and exit -p, --propfile<argument>the jmeter property file to use ...
1. 简介 Apache JMeter是100%纯java桌面应用程序,被设计用来测试客户端/服务器结构的软件(例如web应用程序)。它可以用来测试包括基于静态和动态资源程序的性能,例如静态文件,Java Servlets,Java 对象,数据库,FTP 服务器等等。JMeter可以用来在一个服务器
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ms-jmeter-core库2.3.0分支,报错: Could not transfer artifact io.metersphere:metersphere:pom:2.3 from/to spring-milestones ( Authentication failed for Unauthorized ...