期刊影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)是由Clarivate Analytics每年根据前两年期刊发表的论文被引用的次数计算出的一个指标,用以衡量期刊的学术影响力和引用频繁度。JMC的影响因子通常位于药物化学类期刊中的前列,这表明其发表的研究论文在学术界具有较高的认可度和影响力,对于药物化学领域的研究者和学生来说,JM...
这是一份专注于材料化学领域的高质量研究期刊,由英国皇家化学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)出版。关于JMCC期刊在SCI中的分区情况,我可以为您提供以下信息: JMCC期刊在SCI中的分区 SCI(Science Citation Index)分区是根据期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)等多个指标来划分的,主要有两种分区方式:JCR(Journal Citatio...
探讨“Journal of Materials Chemistry”期刊2023年的影响因子,我们首先需要理解影响因子的本质。影响因子(Impact Factor, IF)是反映学术期刊影响力的一个重要指标,由Clarivate Analytics的Journal Citation Reports (JCR)提供。它基于特定时间段内,期刊发表的文章在随后年份内引用次数的平均值计算而得。 针对“Journal of ...
The Journal of Medicinal Chemistry发表分子结构与生物活性或作用模式之间关系的相关研究。 2-Year Impact Factor CiteScore Time to First Peer Review Decision 6.8 12.8 28.1 声明:发表/转载本文仅仅是出于传播信息的需要,并不意味着代表本公众号观点或证实其内容的...
Unfortunately, Journal of Materials Chemistry has been omitted from the list and we are contacting Thomson Reuters to correct this. We were told when we were looking into the journal division that the parent journal would continue to receive an impact factor until the 2014 JCR (to be released ...
Fuel Efficiency and Environmental Impact Fuel efficiency is a significant factor for many businesses and individuals when choosing a light duty truck. More efficient vehicles can substantially reduce operating costs and are better for the environment. Many light truck manufacturers are focusing on improvin...
The pricing of trucks is deeply influenced by broader economic factors. Fluctuations in the global economy, changes in trade policies, and shifts in supply chain dynamics can all impact the cost of manufacturing and, subsequently, the retail price of trucks. Additionally, as consumer preferences evo...
JMC要分为A,B,C了 都是从2013年开始 那明年JMC还有没有影响因子啊?[Last edited by cxksama on ...
期刊影响因子(Impact factor,IF),是出品的期刊引证报告中的一项数据,代表期刊影响大小的一项定量指标。《精密成形工程》影响因子为0.51,综合影响因子为1.14。 精密成形工程杂志较新的影响因子为:0.51 精密成形工程杂志影响因子 名词解释: 影响因子:指该期刊近两年文献的平均被引用率,即该期刊前两年期刊在评价当年每篇期...
19.Matthew Davis (Wharton) – The Distributional Impact of Mortgage Interest Subsidies: Evidence from Variation in State Tax Policies [Real Estate, Public Finance] 20.Simon Franklin (Oxford/LSE) – The demand for government housing: evidence from a lottery for 200,000 homes in Ethiopia [Developme...