主权项: 权利要求书 1、一种组合式鱼钩由拉环、塔形簧及上、中、下三层钩组成,其 特征在于:上层钩由5—6把饵钩(3)组成,中层钩由2把钓钩(4)组成,下 层钩由1把尾钩(5)组成,三层钩依次安装在拉环(1)的下侧,上层钩群的 中间设有塔形簧(2)。收藏...
Safety and immunogenicity of inactivated hepatitis A vaccine in patients with chronic liver disease . J Med Virol . 1997; 52 ( 2 ):215–8 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9071(199706)52:23.0.CO;2-J [ Cross Ref ]Keeffe EB, Iwarson S, McMahon BJ, Lindsay KL, Koff RS, Manns M, Baumgarten R, ...
Cidofovir,a new ap- proach for the treatment of cervix intraepithelial neoplasia grade Ⅲ(CIN Ⅲ)[J]. J Med Virol,2000,60(2):205.Cidofovir, a new approach for the treatment of cervix intraepithelial neoplasia grade III ( CIN III). Snoeck R,Noel JC,Muller C,et al. Journal of Medical ...
(1997) Analysis of influenza A H3N2 strains isolated in England during 1995-1996 using polymerase chain reaction restriction. J. Med. Virol., 51, 234-241.ELLIS, J. S., CHAKRAVERTY, P., CLEWLEY, J. P. Analysis of influenza A (H3N2) strains isolated in England during 1995-1996 using ...
The nPCR protocol was reviewed following two additional false-negative antenatal diagnosis in a twin pregnancy during which two procedures were performed at 18 and 23 weeks of gestation, respectively. In the new assay, multiple (instead of single) and 100 (instead of 20) μl amniotic fluid ...