报名-日本国外:2025年7月7日-7月31日 准考证邮寄-日本国内:2025年10月17日开始 准考证邮寄-日本国外:根据各个国家和地区进行调整 考试时间:2025年11月9日 实用日本语检定(J.TEST) J-TEST是对母语为非日本语的人员进行日本语能力测试...
报名-日本国外:2025年7月7日-7月31日 准考证邮寄-日本国内:2025年10月17日开始 准考证邮寄-日本国外:根据各个国家和地区进行调整 考试时间:2025年11月9日 实用日本语检定(J.TEST) J-TEST是对母语为非日本语的人员进行日本语能...
If you are still not sure what you need to do after the mock test, you can talk to your teacher about the mock test results. Then your teacher can help you focus on which lessons you need to study more carefully. This method is very effective for pre-exam preparation. Q. How do I...
Review for the wrong question: what if you made a mistake in a JLPT test, but don't want to redo the whole test? We provide a smart review mode, which filters out wrong sentences and reminds you to practice. Intuitive, easy to use interface: displays the results, the number of correct...
但学习是长期的事情,可以考虑挑战下偏重于考察商务场景、实用知识的J.TEST考试,也可以多多训练口语,争取早日实现和日本人无障碍交流哦~ 最后想要告诉大家,无论成绩怎样,最关键的一步永远是下一步~ 关于日语学习和日本留学 有任何疑问的同学和家长 都可以读取下图二维码 随时详询日语酱哦😊 2025春季班信息...
Honestly, I wish I found out about this app a long time ago when I first started learning Japanese. This app has it all; theres much material to go off of with quick results, questions and exercises similar to that of the real test, and the deal I got for premium made the experience...
This course focuses on the JLPT N2 level test. JLPT N2 is the framework from which this course is built, and the real focus of the course is to improve the student's Japanese language reading ability. That being said, the course also contains example conversations with scripts included. If...
备考2025catti日语三级口笔译教材+真题解析 日语三级笔译日语三级口译教材真题解析全4本,其它英语考试,现在的日语水平还比较低,先买来看看体会一下高水平的氛围吧,等j.test考到A级左右或者jlpt考到...
·本期帮大家梳理了2025年日语考试相关内容:·JLPT考试:运用场景还是比较广泛的,涉及就业,留学,学术研究等方面,留学要求在N2及以上,求职在N1的水平考试费用:N1-N2:550元 N3-N5:450元·Test考试:等级划分在A-G级别((其中A~C高级、D~E初/中级、F~G入门级),可用于日本留学,日企工作等考试费用:A-E:520元 ...