Your exam prep app includes hundreds of questions that will help you pass your JLPT. The app includes readings, listenings, vocabulary and grammar questions, so you can take your test with ease. The most important thing about our JLPT app is that it tracks your progress and helps you find...
===Latest set of questions=== The latest set of questions, without registration, you can practice listening directly after opening the app. Script supports copy sentence and options can also be copied. ===Sentence favorites=== You can collect sentences and focus on practice. ===Mock test==...
JLPT practice test online - Japanese Grammar, Vocab, Listening, Reading Quizzes - Download japanese learning books.
JLPT Quiz - Exams For You - a product of PadITech Inc has been born to solve that problem. Through the app, you can do a test similar to the most realistic exam. Through the awesome features: - The app has a lot of tests from N5 - N1. ...
Vocabulary for the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (日本語能力試験, Nihongo Nōryoku Shiken): - Vocabulary for N1–N5 (N1–N4 available via In-App Purchase) - Includes Kanji, kana, and English definitions - Listen to word pronunciations ...
Also, the Japanese courses are divided according to the levels of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, so you can use the proper materials to prepare for the test. There are 7 courses – Beginner Course, Kanji Course, N5, N4, N3, N2, and N1. The video courses on Udemy are excerpts ...
Stay away from losing or falling things, because when someone fails, they use a verb that really means “to fall.” So avoid anything with “fall” or “lose” in it. (And don’t fall down the stairs and lose your keys on the way to the test, or else you’re doomed!) ...
Also, the Japanese courses are divided according to the levels of theJapanese Language Proficiency Test, so you can use the proper materials to prepare for the test. There are 7 courses – Beginner Course, Kanji Course, N5, N4, N3, N2, and N1. ...
The JLPT, or Japanese Language Proficiency Test, is designed to help newcomers to Japan or those who wish to work prove that they're proficient in Japanese.
JTEST:考试全称为实用日本语鉴定考试。其主要功能就是对母语为非日本语的人员进行日本语能力的测试。 JPLT:日语能力考试,日语全名为“日本语能力试验”,是由日本国际交流基金和财团法人日本国际教育协会共同组织的一次全球性,国际性的日本语能力考试。在国内,也被教育部认作全国日语能力考试。