日语四六级 全国大学日语四、六级考试(College Japan-ese Test,缩写为:CJT)是教育部主办,由教育部教育考试院主持和实施的大规模标准化考试,是全国性的教学考试,在国内认可。 ⭐含金量:部分学校可以用日语四六级替代英语四六级(毕业条件之一)。 二、面向人群 01 JLPT能力考 JLPT报名没有年龄、职业、学历、地区、民...
〒4630001 Aichi Nagoya Gemini A 690 Kamijima Kamishidami Moriyama Japan Phone Number +81 8087171293 Email geoge_dai@yahoo.co.jp Size 21.3 MB Category Education Compatibility iPhone Requires iOS 13.0 or later. iPad Requires iPadOS 13.0 or later. iPod touch Requires iOS 13.0 or later....
〒4630001 Aichi Nagoya Gemini A 690 Kamijima Kamishidami Moriyama Japan Phone Number +81 8087171293 Email geoge_dai@yahoo.co.jp Size 21.3 MB Category Education Compatibility iPhone Requires iOS 13.0 or later. iPad Requires iPadOS 13.0 or later. iPod touch Requires iOS 13.0 or later....
JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) is a test organized by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES). It has become the standardized way to assess one's Japanese language ability. The test mostly focuses on listening and reading. The JLPT test was revised back in 2010, and since ...
Buy It Here:Amazon Japan Cost: ¥1,100 6. The Preparatory Course for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test This series is perfect for all learners interested in taking the JLPT. The textbooks are divided into three types: reading, listening, and grammar and vocabulary (combined). Unlike ...
今天来跟大家分享可以使用J-TEST成绩出愿的大学、大学院、专门学校以及短期大学! (更多院校名单可以咨询客服或留言进行领取!) 大学篇 京都精华大学 大阪产业大学 冈山理科大学 冲绳国际大学 环太平洋大学 九州产业大学 杏林大学 敬爱大学 神户国际大学 城西国际大学 ...
English Jan 2024 20個詞語 kaintos 預覽 12/8: final test vocabs 12個詞語 quizlette52536317 預覽 Chapter 3 Vocab: Present Tense Affirmative/Negative 18個詞語 lc23-0803 預覽 Japan 102 Ch. 6 80個詞語 MCroutons 預覽 Hana 10個詞語 Aiden-cc 預覽 Chpt 9 and 10 test review 133個詞語 rebecca_...
〒4630001 Aichi Nagoya Gemini A 690 Kamijima Kamishidami Moriyama Japan Phone Number +81 8087171293 Email geoge_dai@yahoo.co.jp Size 21.3 MB Category Education Compatibility iPhone Requires iOS 13.0 or later. iPad Requires iPadOS 13.0 or later. iPod touch Requires iOS 13.0 or later....