Do not open this question booklet before the test begins. 2.この問題用紙を持ち帰ることはできません. Do not take this question booklet with you after the test. 3.受験番号と名前を下の欄に,受験票と同じようにはっきりと書いてください. Write your registration number and name clearly ...
日本语能力测试的考试费,N1 N2为550元/人,N3 N4 N5为450元/人。可通过支付宝等网上支付系统缴纳。
N1报名时间 3月21日14:00 - 3月27日14:00 1、预定考位;2、支付考试费用 N2报名时间 3月22日14...
The difficulty level is N2. You can solve real problems in the Japanese language proficiency test. Dragging the image in question allows you to see it larger, and two taps allow you to see it in its original size. If the correct answer is touched, the green color will appear and if the...
And the answer always hinges on the (unintelligible word) bit. The written part wasn’t too bad, since I studied for it, but my brain is pretty much empty at this point. I also had to rewrite mysakubuntest by the end of 5th period. ...
level from J5 (lowest) to J1+ (highest) based on your performance, as opposed to JLPT’s five-level, pass-fail system. The content is pretty challenging, and the test organizers recommend attempting the test after achieving the equivalent of N2 ability and after getting comfortable with keigo...
- FlashCard practice feature: Kanji is displayed with 4 modes: displaying kanji, choosing the correct answer, matching the correct answer, listening and choosing the correct answer - Test Quiz feature: It helps you check your Kanji learning process. The completed results will be displayed in the...
JLPT N5 is a perfect application to anyone who want to pass Japanese-Language Proficiency Test. You can learn by all the Exam from 1991 - Now. vYou also learn vocabulary, Kanji, postpositional particles, grammar, and daily conversation while you answer the quiz questions.Each Exam you will ...