I expressed that my goal was to take the JLPT Level 4 exam, and I believe that she prepared me very well. I also believe that she has provided me with an excellent understanding and foundation for continued growth with the Japanese language. In addition to her friendly and professional ...
我也喜欢漫画。在休息日,我喜欢去博物馆,花时间喝咖啡,不去想其他事情✨。 如果你在我这里学习,你将拥有和在日本学习的人一样的课程。 你可以体验在自己的国家学习🎫✈️。 我从事日语教学已经八年了,所以我可以保证提供一个有趣和永恒的课程,帮助任何人以适合🇯🇵的方式学习日语。 当然,我已经通过了...
The “Try!” series is specifically focused on students who intend to take the JLPT exam. The books strike a good balance betweeninstruction, application and review of grammar and new vocabulary. I found their grammar explanations to be sufficient without being so complex that I had trouble memo...