*** Error: Verification of RAMCode failed @ address 0x1FFFC000.Write: 0xA801BE00 F0009900Read: 0x00000000 00000000Failed to prepare for programming.Failed to download RAMCode!ERROR: Erase returned with error code -1.J-Link>Tags: 芯片被锁定 0 Kudos...
Hi Segger, When using the BlueNRG2 with certain applications, the JLinkExe seems unable to reliably reflash the device. What I get is this: Cortex-M0 identified. Downloading file [build/blescan.hex]... *** Error: Verification of RAMCode failed @…
*** Error: Failed to prepare RAMCode using RAMError while determining flash info (Bank @ 0x60000000)ERROR: Erase returned with error code -1. 3. Starting a debug session takes a long time. The time from when the program has been written to flash/ram and the triggering of the first...
Factory reset values of the option bytes are windowed mode not enabled. If the windowed watchdog is enabled, this may results in different errors during flash programming (RAMCode execution) as for example: PC has unexpected value after..., Error during program / erase..., failed to ...
用Keil或者直接用J-Flash程序下载STM32芯片程序时,J-link可以识别芯片,j-Flash中可以Connect成功设备,但是擦除、下载时出现Verification of RAMCode failed @ address 0x20000000错误。 原因是: 1.SWD总线布线太长或者不规范,jlink下载速度过快(4MHZ),导致出现上述错误,将Jlink速度降至200KHZ以下 ...
用Keil或者直接用J-Flash程序下载STM32芯片程序时,J-link可以识别芯片,j-Flash中可以Connect成功设备,但是擦除、下载时出现Verification of RAMCode failed @ address0x20000000错误。 原因是:1.SWD总线布线太长或者不规范,jlink下载速度过快(4MHZ),导致出现上述错误,将Jlink速度降至200KHZ以下 ...
WARNING: T-bit of XPSR is 0 but should be 1. Changed to 1.AfterResetTarget()Resetting targetDownloading 14416 bytes @ address 0x00000000 - Verified OKDownloading 16 bytes @ address 0x00003850 - Verified OKERROR: Verification of RAMCode failed @ address 0x1FFF0000.Write: 0xA801...
*** Error: Timeout while erasing chip, RAMCode did not respond in time (PC = 0x20000488, XPSR = 0x21000000, SP = 0x20000A48)!Failed to erase chip.Failed to execute RAMCode for chip erase!J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 20.126s (Prepare: 0.059s, Compare: 0.00...