ERROR: InitTarget(): PCode returned with error code -1 JLINK应该是好用的,开发板使用原来的SWD...
ERROR: Erase returned with error code -1. Downloading file [C:\0\LFR_Engine.hex]...Info: J-Link: Flash download: Flash pro gramming performed for 3 ranges (335872 bytes) Info: J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 3.972s (Prepare: 0.173s, Compar e: 0.146s, Erase: 0.552s, ...
*** Error: Verification of RAMCode failed @ address 0x1FFFC000.Write: 0xA801BE00 F0009900Read: 0x00000000 00000000Failed to prepare for programming.Failed to download RAMCode!ERROR: Erase returned with error code -1.J-Link>Tags: 芯片被锁定 0 Kudos...
ERROR: Could not start CPU core. (ErrorCode: -1) ERROR: Cannot read register 15 (R15) while CPU is running Reading all registers ERROR: Cannot read register 0 (R0) while CPU is running ERROR: Cannot read register 1 (R1) while CPU is running ERROR: Cannot read register 2 (R2) while...
""C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V620a\JLink.exe" -ExitOnError1 -AutoConnect 1 -Device...
Failed to execute RAMCode for RAM check!ERROR: Erase returned with error code -1.J-Link>Unknown command. '?' for help.J-Link>Unknown command. '?' for help.J-Link>regsCPU is not halted !J-Link>Display All The EDBG from Atmel has no issue with the SAME...
请野火兄帮着看看:在点击<load> 工具栏图标时候,为何会发生这个问题? JLink Error: Could not power...
"Flash programming failed. Error code: XX" Flash编程失败有许多可能的原因: 错误代码分析:查看具体的错误代码,它通常能指明问题所在,例如擦除失败、编程失败等。 检查Flash配置:确保在jlink软件中选择了正确的Flash型号和配置。 电源稳定性:在编程过程中,电源稳定性至关重要,检查供电是否稳定。
vs code环境下使用jlink调试ESP32_Devkitc_v4,出现如下问题,请问需要如何解决? Info : esp32.cpu0: Debug controller was reset. Info : esp32.cpu0: Core was reset. Error: esp32 .cpu0: DSR (FFFFFFFC) indicates target still busy! Error: esp32.cpu0: DSR (FFFFFFFC) indicates DIR instruction...
(s): GDB VTarget = 2.937V Info: Found SWD-DP with ID 0x0BB11xxx Info: Found Cortex-M0 r0p0, Little endian. Info: FPUnit: 4 code (BP) slots and 0 literal slots Found 1 JTAG device, Total IRLen = 4: Cortex-M0 identified. Target interface speed: 100 kHz Processing script file....