jlinkcdcuartport装不上,这个INF中的服务安装段落无效办法当用USB数据线连接电脑时却得到“INF中服务安装段落无效”的错误提示。在“设备管理器”中看到“USB MODEM”设备出现一个黄色问号,出现这个问题并不是设备或驱动出了问题,而是用户采用了深度简化版的操作系统所致。所以用户只需在他人的电脑中分别...
我用ti的芯片,这个v9不知道支不支持 呵呵呵,你个用TI的土豪来装逼。TI的ARM估计是支持的。其他不行...
Device: JLink CDC UART Port (COM8) Drivers Installer Version: Date: 2025-03-10 File Size: 1.12 Mb Supported OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 Install Driver Updater Special offer. See more information about Outbyte and uninstall instructions. Please...
Hi, could anyone give me a link to the installer of "J-Link" Driver ( JLINK CDC UART Port) only for windows 10. I'm using a EFR32 Mighty Gecko Wireless Starter Kit (SLWSTK6000B) with native NCP target - Empt
Hi, could anyone give me a link to the installer of "J-Link" Driver ( JLINK CDC UART Port) only for windows 10. I'm using a EFR32 Mighty Gecko Wireless Starter Kit (SLWSTK6000B) with native NCP target - Empt
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Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39) http-equiv="content-type"